1. Depending on your ability to adapt to a new and more effective means of executive networking; we will offer introductions via telephone to executive network referrals of interest. Upon speaking with Executives on your behalf, we then consummate our conversation and advise you with an ok to connect… No competitor we know of provides this service… Executives we connect you with do not have jobs, rather; we will coach and advise on how to effectively make advocates and thus build a robust executive network providing longterm career growth and stability…
2. We will conduct an ongoing assessment of your skills, accomplishments, and ambitions, and provide a “real-world” career search strategy, predicated upon current geographic market conditions.
3. We will assign a senior career consulting team, writing staff and administrative support.
4. We will implement an aggressive career-search consulting/counseling effort with focused strategy and accountability sessions.
5. Your consulting team and writing staff will work closely with you to develop superior marketing materials including a customized professional résumé, biography and applicable letters pertinent to the success of your campaign.
6. With your consent and when deemed effective by your senior consulting team, we will perform continuous targeted email outreach campaigns to promote your personal brand.
7. Once a serious job offer is presented, we will round-table the company’s proposition in an effort to advise you on how to procure the most lucrative compensation package on your behalf.
8. We will work with you to maximize your self-presentation effort with every company you interview with. We have developed a system we refer to as “Verbal Judo”. Our interview system is so effective, that 4 out of 5 of our clients are offered and accept a desired position within 3 interviews.
9. Once you accept a new position, we will maintain an active ongoing relationship with you to ensure your career is professionally managed, thus maximizing your future growth potential.
10. If we agree to join forces and you are adhering to the prescribed action plan, we will work with you until you accept a new position!