Interview Training

Interview Conversation or Interrogation?

As long as you perceive yourself as just another job applicant, you will always be subservient to your next potential employer. The traditional job interview scenario always puts the employer in a position of power. They ask the standard questions. E.g., "What is your greatest weakness?" "Why should I hire you?" "Where were you on the night of 12th (smile)?" In this scenario, it's nearly impossible to be recognized as the expert solution provider you are. Instead, you go through the motions, and most often, an offer is not extended.

Forget the Interview Skills -Unlock Your Passion

You've memorized your elevator pitch. Now Learn to define and communicate your passion statement!. Whats written on your resume might get you the interview but whats written on your heart, will get you the job!!! Learn to to identify pain points, present solutions and set your own start date!

Passion is Contagious Paper is Platitudinous

Employers receive hundreds of resumes every day. Your paper a.k.a. (résumé) may be necessary to open the door. However, nothing promotes like passion! Imagine, you are a coach for a professional baseball team. Your mission is to win and win alone! There is ALWAYS room on your team for a home run hitter. Are you a home-run hitter? A rainmaker? A white knight? If you don't believe you are, they won't either. It's time to throw away the elevator pitch, record a passion statement on the tablet of your heart and learn to communicate with power, presence and passion. Let us show you how!
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